This is HCG level that you will have at your first day of missed period, and equals to about 4060 mU/ml of betaHCG in blood And only at 100 mU/ml we see the second line at the same brightness as the control line I would say at this HCG level the FRER test reaches it's saturation point A chemical pregnancy is when a fertilized egg doesn't implant in the uterus, What To Expect reported, and is classified as an earlystage pregnancy loss "If the lineAF was due yesterday I got my first faint BFP at 10days on a FRER, by 11dpo it was much clearer Since 11/12dpo my line has not darkened barely at all I have also taken cheaper brands yesterday and today and the lines are just so faint Weeks indicator done today showed at 12 Im worried hcg isnt rising correctly and this could be a chemical
Slow Rising Low Hcg Bfp Progression
Frer chemical pregnancy line progression
Frer chemical pregnancy line progression- The lines were faint at 14 dpo and it was a chemical It was so disheartening but I was glad to have earlier tests to compare with so I knew without getting my hopes up Don't rule it out just yet and retest in a couple of days If it is a chemical it's a very good sign you conceived even if brief Xx FRER HPT line progression I'm obviously a POAS addict Twice a day from 4dp5dt (FET IVF cycle no trigger) then once a day from 7dpt I'm concerned my line progression isn't occurring fast enough and that I'm at risk of a chemical pregnancy Silly old me hasn't used FMU for each morning test, and the longest hold after that has been 2 hours for each making it so
Explore "Line Progression" posts on Pholder See more posts about TFAB Line Porn, (chemical pregnancy) how is my line progression? Posted 9/2/16 Ok so I took the frer, it came up like this at about 3 minutes, you can't tell very well in the picture but it had the faintest line but now it's blank after 10 minutes, if it was a true line it would still be there wouldn't it? Chemical pregnancy lines I didn't really have any line progression with my chemical It pretty much stayed the same for a few days before completely fading away First suuuuuuuper faint positive dec 15, next day also got vvvfl in FRER that was hard to pick up on camera Two days later it was noticeable and then two days after that it
It looks to me like you do have a bit of a line progression The lower the threshold, the earlier the test will turn positive if implantation has in fact occurred The FRER tests, which are the tests I used for pregnancy progression purposes, has been found to detect HCG at concentrations as low as 65 mIU/ml, although I believe it is actually marketed as a higher threshold FRER can show some bizarre results for a chemical, so I'm learning to just put my trust in the blood test Sometimes line progression can still occur despite the chemical Have attached the line progression from my latest chemical (apologies, the first test spoiled by the time I took the photo on 14dp5dt, line is still the same though)
Pregnancy test line progression What do you think?This is making me start toDiscussion in 'Pregnancy Tests' started by maltesemom, Jan 17, Wouldn't it be awful if frer knew we ttc'ers use them for progression and purposefully put less ink in their batches lol!
No doc appts avail for 2 weeks Line progression with FRER from 10dpo to 18dpo I skipped a couple of daysA chemical pregnancy is a very early miscarriage that occurs when an egg is fertilized but does not fully implant into the uterus The bleeding associated with a chemical pregnancy is typically like a period, but can be heavier If you test again and the result is negative, this could be the case If you are having a chemical pregnancy, keep Hopefully over the next 48 hours the progression will be more obvious it is still very early🤞 My first round of ivf ended in a chemical pregnancy, it was so upsetting after getting my hopes up so much I've attached my line progression By my 2nd official test day the line was barely visable ☹️ Wishing the best outcome for you, and
I had two chemical pregnancies in the past and I worry that I have one now possibly too I did multiple tests 10 dpo and all showed vvf line and clear blue early digi showed Pregnant I decided to take FRER everyday to check progression for my sanity as I am worried over chemical I did one 11 dpo yesterday and it seemed darker, but this Chemical pregnancy facts A chemical pregnancy is an early pregnancy loss that occurs shortly after implantation Chemical pregnancies may account for A faint line on a home pregnancy test may or may not mean that you're pregnant False positives are rare unless the test is faulty, but that doesn't mean that a light line always means you are pregnant It could be an evaporation line or a sign that you've had a chemical pregnancy
Chemical Pregnancy Line Progression How quickly do you lose a line during chemical pregnancy? A chemical pregnancy is a term used to describe a very early miscarriage that occurs before the fifth week of pregnancy Confusing and heartbreaking, chemical pregnancies occur after a positive pregnancy test result but before a pregnancy can be visualized on an ultrasoundChemical pregnancies are believed to affect up to 75 percent of all pregnanciesI took a FRER at noon, it was obviously positive Used new urine 30 min later with FRER digi, it was negative I know 30 min isn't long enough hold for hcg build up, and digi is less sensitive, but I am supposed to be about 16 dpo
Illinois 4726 posts Dec 21st '12 I am wondering if there are few more POAS addicts out there who can ease my mind as I lost 2 out of my last 3 pregnancies I have been peeing on FRER like a crazy person I got my faintest BFP at 9dpo and the lines got darker and darker The darker line is usually the control line This is not a sign of a problem with the pregnancy or the pregnancy test, assuming it came up within the time limits of the test It does not mean your pregnancy is in danger It does not mean that you need to do anything special It could be because at the time you tested your hCG levels (pregnancy Had a total panic attack about it Especially with the fact that your 14dpo test likely didn't get enough of a sample to show a satisfying line I'd say you have nothing to worry about Here is my frer at 10/11 dpo when I got my bfp and then again the next morning 12 weeks now and feeling flutters so it wasn't a chemical for me
So you're almost 6 weeks pregnant Unfortunately it does seem as though you could be having a chemical pregnancy Your lines on the FRERs should be darker and by now the CBD should be saying 2 3 weeks You should tell your doctor that you need to be seen now Two weeks is too long to wait for blood tests Re Slow Progressing FRER w/ Photo LnR member June 14 You can't really judge HCG levels by the darkness of tests FRERs are well known for being super sensitive, so it is possible that your HCG was reeaaallly low when you got your first BFP and just isn't high enough to produce a dark result yet, or it could be the dye in that batchWanted #2 Due August 26 (boy);
A chemical pregnancy is a very early miscarriageIt usually happens before the pregnancy reaches five weeks Many may not even realize they have had an early miscarriage if Unfortunately, a faint positive line can also be a sign of a very early miscarriage, sometimes called a chemical pregnancy, which occurs within the first 12 weeks of a pregnancy, often much earlierThe 16 dpo frer is an evening test and the 19 dpo frer was fmu The accumed tests (the cheapies that just say "hcg") were always darker than the easy@home, I imagine they're more sensitive TW loss I was feeling cautiously optimistic having such a good frer line at 16dpo Got a squinter on 19dpo with fmu and a negative in the afternoon so I
Same with to 40 hcg, and again that line progression is two days and not a significant change Keeping in mind a whole lot of tests don't even start picking up until between 1025 hcg The really dark tests where you see the control line is less than the test line have a beta hcg of of like 500 or more "'Chemical pregnancy' is just the name of a very early miscarriage," Maura Quinlan, MD, assistant professor in the department of obstetrics andAustralia 455 posts I do realize that progressively darkening lines on a test doesn't mean I may not miscarry, and I know that technically you shouldn't try measure hcg using tests However I was just curious and thought I'd line my tests up
A pholder about Line Progression Update 1123dpo progression, easy@home 1yr ⋅ automagicalprincess ⋅ r/TFABLinePorn Line Progression using FRER and Assured brand After my chemical pregnancy last month where the lines never got darker this is a welcomed progressionDiscussion in 'Pregnancy Tests' started by maltesemom, This pregnancy my lines didn't get super dark with frers and the progression was slow I did an every other day clearblue comparison this time and could see the line darker Frer the line still looks the same Those new frers make me angry I thought I was having a chemical pregnancy and this was compounded by having a couple of ICs come up as BFN After spending days obsessively reading about line progression I decided to leave it for a good few days before testing again, and happily I got a good solid line
In this video I compare the line progression from one of my chemical pregnancies to my current pregnancy (10 weeks now) I also compare the 3 different testPics of HPT babypa10 December 11 in Pregnant after a Loss I have had 2 miscarriages and 1 full term pregnancy I am pregnant again, and my HPT tests are not getting darker I had betas on Monday morning and my beta was 16 If you have had a chemical pregnancy, did your HPTs look similar to mineThe weird small part of me that is a conspiracy theorist thought about that but then I realized it's prob wishful thinking on my
I thought for sure it was going to end up being a chemical pregnancy I made myself wait 2 full days before testing again, and it was darker again (My ultrasound at 9w was perfect) Don't worry too much about the colour of the lines, especially if you're testing every day!